Friday, August 7, 2009

Ants and Rice


Another step back in time to yesterday before dessert. Me, my friends Hannah, Ben, and my brother Duke saw about a billion ants. I gave them some rice that we tried at dinner but none of us liked it. Ben gave them a Popsicle. They chowed that right down. Then everyone watched them eat. I came back out this morning and saw about a billion more ants. The ants didn't like the rice either. I tried to count them but I was thinking about flipping them all over on their back to mark that I'd counted them but then I thought that would be too hard and sorta mean.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Swinging Piano

So today I learned that piano is just like swinging. If you try and try and try you will get it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hi. I'm Harper. 

You're probably wondering why I'm writing this blog. Well, it's about my day and what is in my head. So I wrote a blog. So I'm gonna take a step forward and gonna start back in the day. 

My brother threw-up 5 times!

ps. It made me wanna throw-up too.

We sat on the couch and ate snow cones my mom made.